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In preparation for our August 4, 2025 opening, we are in the process of releasing available faculty and staff positions at Namahana School.
Namahana School Faculty & Staff Recruitment
At Namahana School, students are the drivers of their education and are supported by a strong team of teachers and staff who mentor and guide students throughout their educational journeys. Opening on August 4, 2025, Namahana School is actively looking to connect with dynamic and values-aligned education professionals.
Namahana School will open with 7th and 8th grades in 2025 and will add one grade per year until full-capacity is reached.
Namahana School is currently accepting applications for the following positions:
Under the supervision of the Executive Director, the position of the Office Manager is responsible for providing support to the Executive Director in all areas of administration including, but not limited to, data management and reporting, fiscal tracking and accountability, and enrollment. Additionally, the Office Manager is responsible for maintaining a positive front office environment toward nurturing student academic, social and emotional well-being.
Please find full job description and how to apply, here.
If you answer yes to the following 6 questions, you should apply now!
Do you like working outside and with ʻāina?
Do you enjoy creating/developing meaningful learning experiences?
Are you committed to growing long lasting relationships with students and community?
Do you thrive in multi-disciplinary collaborative environments?
Are you proactive and efficient with your time?
Do you believe all students can be successful?
At Namahana School, we grow youth and community that care for ʻāina (natural environment) through their curiosities, interest, and gifts. Our kumu (advisors) teach multiple disciplines in an ʻOhana (class cohort) including one day a week off-campus in a community-based ʻāina ulu (field study). Our kumu stay with their ʻOhana cohort for 2-3 years. Kumu have opportunities for collaboration and team teaching. Our Ola Framework and Big Picture Learning Goals guide our kumu in long term planning and creating real-time opportunities responsive to students’ interests in all subject areas. We prioritize small class sizes (15-20 students) to allow one-on-one time with advisors. In ʻOhana, students learn with and from each other as they move through their Personalized Learning Plans (PLPs). PLPs are led by the students themselves with the support of their advisors and our Koʻolau Haleleʻa (Hāʻena to Anahola) community (people and place).
Please find full job description here.
To apply, please complete the application form below. Round 1 (due February 5, 2025) is now closed. Round 2 is now open.
At Namahana School, a Student Support Coordinator (SSC) serves to bring resources to support individual students and the collective school community. A Namahana SSC goes beyond the traditional systems of student services and also utilizes community assets, expertise, and resources to support the diverse needs of our Namahana School community. Our SSC is a professional and compassionate individual that believes all students have strengths that will enable them to be a contributing member of our community.
Please find full job description and how to apply, here.
At Namahana School, an Educational Assistant (EA) provides support for a student or students to ensure that students’ documented needs are met, including observing and assisting with progress towards documented goals. A Namahana EA exposes students to powerful academic, social, emotional, and real world learning experiences. Namahana EA works in collaboration with Namahana teachers, students, and their ʻohana to achieve students’ personalized goals.
Please find full job description and how to apply, here.
Namahana School Teacher Application
At Namahana School, we grow youth and community that care for ʻāina (natural environment) through their curiosities, interest, and gifts. Our kumu (advisors) teach multiple disciplines in an ʻOhana (class cohort) including one day a week off-campus in a community-based ʻāina ulu (field study). Our kumu stay with their ʻOhana cohort for 2-3 years. Kumu have opportunities for collaboration and team teaching. Our Ola Framework and Big Picture Learning Goals guide our kumu in long term planning and creating real-time opportunities responsive to students’ interests in all subject areas. We prioritize small class sizes (15-20 students) to allow one-on-one time with advisors. In ʻOhana, students learn with and from each other as they move through their Personalized Learning Plans (PLPs). PLPs are led by the students themselves with the support of their advisors and our Koʻolau Haleleʻa (Hāʻena to Anahola) community (people and place).
See full job description here.
To apply, please complete the application below. ** Applications are now closed for the first round of kumu applicants. If you are still interested in applying, you may submit your application below, and it will be considered for Round 2 of hiring. **
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