Namahana Education Foundation
Namahana Education Foundation
Namahana Education Foundation (NEF) is an independent nonprofit organization established to advance Namahana School’s mission. For Namahana School, NEF manages the fundraising and construction process for the school campus, as well as generates ongoing community support to cover the operational costs not met by the state’s per-student allocation. NEF’s leadership includes established community leaders, as well as award-winning professionals in educational fundraising and philanthropic management.
Namahana Education Foundation is a tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Tax identification number 85-2393805.
Namahana Education Foundation Board
Namahana Education Foundation is an independent nonprofit organization with the sole purpose of advancing Namahana School’s mission. In the near future, this includes managing the fundraising and construction process in order to build Namahana School’s campus, as well as generating ongoing community support to cover the school’s operational costs not met by the state’s per-student allocation. Namahana Education Foundation’s leadership includes established community leaders, as well as award-winning professionals in educational fundraising and philanthropic management.
Namahana Education Foundation Staff
Namahana Education Foundation Community Advisors
Let’s Build Namahana School!
Namahana School would not be where it is today with the generous support and dedication of countless individuals and families across the North Shore and beyond. If you or someone you know can make a gift to Namahana School at this critical juncture, you will be transforming the lives of our children for generations to come.
“We are writing the history of our community today. This is a moment that our ʻohana [family] on the North Shore of Kauaʻi will always remember as a turning point in the lives of our children and their children.”
Kau‘i Fu
NEF Board Chair
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